Last Updated: April 27, 2021
Metaverse Champions Event Missions Week 2 image

Metaverse Champions Event Missions Week 2

Here are all of the missions for Week 2 of the Metaverse Champions Event!

April 22nd, 2021

On this page you will find descriptions on how to complete the Metaverse Champions Event missions for Week 2, which runs from April 22nd to April 30th.

Wrong week? Here are the others:

  • Week 1, April 15th through April 22nd.
  • Week 3, April 29th to May 7th
  • Week 4, May 6th to May 14th

Updates will be added as they arrive so keep checking back!

For other information on the event, check out our Metaverse Champions Event page!

For info specifically on free items, check out our Metaverse Champions Event Items page!


AJ Striker Missions

AJ Striker Missions image

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Super Ball Battle

Objective: Win a round on the new event map "Planet".

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Vote for the map that says, "Planet".
  2. Once you're in the Planet map, help your team win by collecting blue orbs and placing them in the drill in the middle.
  3. The first team to reach 20 orbs will win.
  4. If no team reaches 20 orbs before the timer runs out, the team with the most orbs wins.
  5. Once your team has won, wait a few seconds to make sure you see the notification that you received the reward before you exit the game.


  • This will be very easy if you play with friends in a VIP server and take turns letting each others' teams win.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Mega Noob Simulator

Objective: Defeat the 3 elemental bosses and their challenge, then defeat AJ Striker.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Upon starting the game, find the portal that says "Metaverse Champions" over it and enter it. It will automatically transform you into a stronger character, ready to defeat the enemies.
  2. Each enemy is through a different elemental portal. In each area you will have to complete and obby, then defeat the boss.
  3. After defeating the 3 elemental areas, enter the Main Door where you'll find AJ Striker.
  4. After you defeat AJ Striker, your reward will appear automatically in your Avatar inventory.


  • The elemental bosses are quite easy. Dodge their attacks, then attack them when they're laughing.
  • AJ Striker doesn't stop to laugh like the elemental bosses. You will probably have an easy time finding opportunities to attack him, but some say the easiest time is during his laser attack.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Make a Cake: Back for Seconds!

Objective: Make 10 cakes.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Click on a batter square, then drop it in the Input area right next to it.
  2. Do this 10 times so you have batter for 10 cakes (you can watch the counter in the top right).
  3. Find the Output side where your cake batter came out, then move each cake batter into the Input area right next to it.
  4. Keep doing this, with each input and output until you've completed the cake factory.
  5. Once you've made all 10 cakes, your reward will automatically appear in your Avatar inventory.


  • It doesn't matter what flavor you make the cakes so feel free to be creative, or just use whichever machine is closest.
  • Be careful if there are a lot of other players. If your cakes get mixed up with someone elses, you may end up getting credit for their cakes or they may end up getting credit for your cakes.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Dropblox

Objective: 1) Join Casual and get 5 Shards. 2) Get the Metaverse Crate in the Event Shop.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Click Join at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Choose Casual (not Battle Royale).
  3. Complete the obby and touch the big, glowing blue Shard toward the end.
  4. Do this 5 times until you collect 5 Shards.
  5. Once you collect 5 Shards, click Enter Event Shop in the Lobby and you'll be able to purchase the Metaverse Crate.


  • You may not need to complete the obby after collecting the Shards, but the Shards are always found pretty close to the end.
  • The Shards are not exactly hidden, but it is possible to run past without noticing them so keep a lookout!

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Survive a Plane Crash

Objective: Survive the new AJ Striker themed plane crash.

Difficulty: Easy but there is a lot of waiting.

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Enter the plane.
  2. Wait until take-off.
  3. Once the plane starts experiencing some turbulance, you'll need to find a way to survive the crash.
  4. There are several ways to survive. One way is to head to the back left of the plan and look behind one of the seats you'll see a grey thing. That's a Glider. Pick it up.
  5. There are other similar items you can find that will slow your fall upon exiting the plane.
  6. Find an exit door and wait next to it.
  7. The exit doors will remain locked until the plan is about to crash. Keep pressing the Q button to open until you are able to open it successfully and exit the plane.
  8. Another way to survive is going to the very back and get inside one of the safes. In fact, you may even survive the plane crash just by being in the room that the safes are in.


  • All tips were in the instructions.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Chaos Clickers

Objective: Complete the quests and obby.

Difficulty: Medium, requires brief collaboration with another player.

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Click on the Event button on the right side of the screen.
  2. The Event button will tell you the quests you must complete. They are: 1) Get 100k Clicks. 2) Hatch 3 Eggs. 3) Rebirth Once. 4) Spin the Wheel Once. 5) Invite A Friend (FRIEND MUST JOIN SAME SERVER).
  3. Invite a friend to join your server as soon as possible so that they can do that while you're completing the other quests.
  4. The wheel is near the entrance of the game. Spin it.
  5. If you're lucky, spinning the wheel will give you a clicks boost. To get even more clicks instantly, click on the Twitter icon on the left side of the screen.
  6. Enter these game codes:
    •  NatsuTheGamer
    •  Chungus
    •  Mat41006
    •  Para
    •  ClickingChaos
  7. For the remaining clicks, click on the blue and red clickers at the bottom of the screen until you reach 100k clicks.
  8. Using your recently earned clicks, go to right of the Upgrade Castle and find the Lobby Egg Incubator. Hatch 3 eggs there.
  9. Click the Purple Replay button on the left side of the screen to bring up the Rebirth window. Click the green Rebirth button.
  10. Once you've completed the above quests, the portal to the Obby will open. A green arrow will appear to lead you there.
  11. Complete the Obby without dying and the Crate and Badge will appear in your avatar inventory.


  • If you hatch the eggs before completing the clicks, some of the egg pets may help you get more clicks more quickly.
  • If you find the Obby too difficult you can purchase respawn checkpoints for 15 Robux.
  • You can touch the lasers in the Obby a few times before dying. Just keep an eye on your health bar.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Car Crash Simulator

Objective: Complete the loop-de-loop 5 times.

Difficulty: Easy if you have the right vehicle

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Pick a medium-speed car--Not too fast, not too slow.
  2. When you encounter a loop-de-loop, stay in the center so your car maintains contact with the road the entire time.
  3. If contact is maintained, it will count as 1 of the 5 loop-de-loops.
  4. Once you complete your 5th loop-de-loop, the reward will automatically appear in your Avatar inventory.


  • If you're having a hard time, try changing vehicles; If you tend to veer off the side of the loop, choose a slower vehicle. If you can't even make it up the loop in the first place, choose a faster vehicle.
  • To check your loop-de-loop count or chance vehicles, hit R to return to the Lobby.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Be A Toy

Objective: Find the 4 pieces of the egg and assemble them.

Difficulty: Medium, but Easy if you use a private server

Game link

Video Guide link

Instructions to find the Red Piece:

  1. Find a grey vent in the corner at the bottm of one of the walls, which will blow you up onto a high shelf.
  2. The Red Piece (some think it's more of a pink color) is located at the end of the shelf, behind the Roblox letters, though it's possible that it could be moved.
  3. Pick up the Red Piece by clicking on it and bring it back to AJ Striker.

Instructions to find the Yellow Piece:

  1. Find the shelf with a Teddy Bear and a Red Treasure Chest in the bottom shelf.
  2. Jump on the trampoline next to that shelf to land on the second shelf (if you land on the third shelf, just drop down to the second.
  3. Look behind the red Roblox box and you'll find the Yellow Piece.
  4. Pick up the Yellow Piece by clicking on it and bring it back to AJ Striker.

Instructions to find the Green Piece:

  1. Go back to the same shelf where you found the Yellow Piece.
  2. Go around to the left of the shelf to the back corner and find a grey ladder you can climb up.
  3. Climb up the ladder all the way to the top where you'll find a black helmet.
  4. The Green Piece is inside the helmet, so you can get it by either going in the helmet or pushing it off the shelf..
  5. Pick up the Green Piece by clicking on it and take it back to AJ Striker.

Instructions to find the Blue Piece:

  1. Go to the opposite corner of the room from the shelf where the Green and Yellow Pieces were and you'll find a dresser.
  2. One of the dresser drawers is open. Double jump up to it and the Blue Piece will be inside.
  3. Pick up the Blue Piece by clicking on it and take it back to AJ Striker.

Final Instructions:

  1. Once you deliver the final Egg Piece, the egg will be automatically built and the Crate Drop will appear. Be sure to grab it before exiting the game!


  • Find AJ Striker near the grey wall to see a picture of the four Pieces of the egg look like.
  • Other players may shuffle the objects around, making it difficult to find the Egg Pieces. You may need to play on a private server in order to complete the mission.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Gerald

Objective: Escape from any one of the three chapters.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Play the game as it's meant to be played--Collect the items and use them where they're supposed to go--All while avoiding Gerald.
  2. Once you successfully escape from any map before the timer runs out, claim your reward from the Main Menu.


  • This will be easier if you work together with other players.
  • If you're not sure what to do with an item, try asking others in the chat.
  • To make this easier, be sure to vote for the Easy version of the map because you'll get an extra life to use if you get caught by Gerald.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Imposter

Objective: Complete the Special Event Task for each map.

Difficulty: Hard

Game link

Video Guide linke


  1. Play the game on one map at a time, completing the tasks, until it says you completed the Special Event Task.
  2. Once you've completed it one map, be sure to win that round. Then start the next map.
  3. The tasks are randomly generated and the odds are not good. For this reason this mission is marked as Hard and it will likely take you a long time.
  4. Once you have completed all 4 tasks, the door will open and you will be able to collect your reward.


  • If you are the imposter, you cannot complete the task so you'll have to wait until the next round.

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Shoot Out

Objective: Complete the Daily Challenge.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. When you start the game, click on the blue button that says, "Challenges", right under where it says "Metaverse Quests" on the right side of the screen.
  2. Three challenges will show up. Click on the one on the left where it says, "Claim".
  3. That's it, you will have obtained your badge!


  • This is one of the easiest missions you'll see. Enjoy!

AJ Striker's Crate Drop in Base Raiders

Objective: Successfully raid someone or successfully defend your base as the target for a bonus raid round.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link

Initial Instructions:

  1. If you're new to the game, you'll be asked whether you want to play in a Beginners Only server. Answer Yes.
  2. You will then be assigned a server with other beginners, which will make this mission easier to complete.
  3. When it asks you what type of base you want, simply choose whatever looks good.
  4. Next you need to either raid a base or kill someone who raids yours. Read on to learn how.

Instructions for Raiding a Base:

  1. To raid a base, you'll need to break into it without being killed by the various traps, then stand in the middle for several seconds (there will be a timer to let you know when you've succeeded).
  2. You are equipped with a gun and a sword, which you can use to remove obstacles, such as doors and lasers.
  3. Watch out for the owner of the base, who will of course try to kill you if they can!

Instructions for Defending Your Base from a Raid:

  1. This is potentially the easier option. Simply hang out at your base and kill anyone who attempts to raid it.


  • Unfortunately there are no private servers so you won't be able to work together with your friends on this one. However, you may be able to work with the strangers you meet on your server.

Fey Yoshida Missions

Fey Yoshida Missions image

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Flood Escape 2

Objective: Find Fey's 10 Lost Pages.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Wander around any map looking for floating Lost Pages with a bluish-purple aura around them.
  2. The Lost Pages will be scattered in random spots throughout the different maps.
  3. Keep searching through different maps until you find 10 Lost Pages.
  4. Once you've found 10 Lost Pages, the reward will automatically appear in your Avatar inventory.


  • Playing on easy maps in a private server might make this easier.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Don't Press The Button 4

Objective: Find the Hidden Chest.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Upon entering the game, press the Green Button in the center of the map.
  2. Search for the chest, which will appear in a slightly hidden location such as at the top of tall areas or behind something.
  3. Once you find the chest, you'll get the reward!


  • No tips needed!

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in TPS: Street Soccer

Objective: Score 10 goals.

Difficulty: Varies, depending on your abilities

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Join the game on a public server.
  2. Play the game until you've scored 10 goals.
  3. Once you've scored 10 goals, open the chest behind the goal and you'll receive your reward!


  • NOTE: This does NOT work in a VIP server. Make sure you play in a public server!
  • If you want to work together with friends, make a plan to join a less crowded public server together.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in World//Zero

Objective: Destroy Meta Goblins in any world! Get Metaverse Shards and bring them back to Fey.

Difficulty: Easy but time-consuming

Game link

Video Guide link


  • Upon entering the game, find Fey Yoshida on a circular stage. She will tell you your mission.
  • Wander around the world killing Meta Goblins until you collect 32 Metaverse Shards. Each Goblin will drop 1 Shard.
  • Once you have 32 Metaverse Shards, go back to Fey, click Claim, and you will receive your reward.


  • Only the player who strikes the killing blow to a Meta Goblin will receive the Shard. Keep this in mind if you are teaming up with others.
  • Keep an eye out for high-level players who are stealing Shards by killing Meta Goblins you're fighting before you can!
  • Try to find servers and/or areas of the map that are less populated by other players in order to avoid the above problems.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Pit of Hell

Objective: Get to the bottom of the Metaverse Data Facility and retrieve the chest.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Wait until the Metaverse Tower round occurs. You can look at the sign that says, "Tower 'Til Metaverse" to see when that will be.
  2. Make your way down the Metaverse Tower pit before the timer runs out.


  • Each time a player makes it to the bottom, the timer doubles in speed, so try playing on a server with less people for the highest chance of success.
  • Although you do need to go quickly, make sure you aren't recklessly quick as you will most likely die before reaching the bottom.
  • There are often multiple pathways you can take on the way down. Be sure to assess your options as you go.
  • Watch closely for traps. Sometimes what looks like the easy path is actually a trick.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Saber Simulator

Objective: Complete the tasks.

Difficulty: Difficult if you don't have strong equipment or help from friends.

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Find the purple portal with Fey Yoshida standing next to it that says, "Metaverse Event". Enter the portal.
  2. Upon entering the portal, you'll see your list of tasks: 1) Defeat 5 Plasma Golems. 2) Defeat a Plasma Boss. 3) Train to Level 5 Plasma.
  3. Head into the little battle circle and begin fighting enemies. If you don't have good equipment, this will take a very long time.
  4. Each enemy will give Plasma when killed. You'll need a total of 45 plasma to increase your level to 5.
  5. Click the grey upward-pointing arrow on the left side of the screen to increase your Plasma Level.
  6. Once you've completed all three tasks, click on the Metaverse Chest on the left side of the screen and click Collect to get your badge and Terror Case.


  • If you have any friends who play this game, or even who don't, get them to help as this will make things go much more quickly. Everyone in the battle circle when an enemy is killed will get plasma and credit toward the mission.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Mech Warzone

Objective: Get to Rank 15.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. To start the game, follow the green line into a spaceship. Wait there until it teleports you into a game.
  2. Play the game, doing as well as you can, until you gain enough points to reach Rank 15.
  3. Each round you'll usually go up about 1-3 Ranks.
  4. Keep playing rounds until you reach Rank 15. This may take awhile, but be thankful they brought the requirement down from 25!


  • This mission is definitely easier on a public server where there are more players.
  • When you first return to the lobby, it doesn't bring your rank up right away. It takes a little while to calculate.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Esgoto De São Paulo

Objective: Collect 10 Batteries and 5 Drill Bits from the sewer.

Difficulty: TBA

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. When you enter the game, go into the purple Metaverse portal.
  2. Jump across the carrot bridge to get to Fey. Talk to her. Come back to her at any time to check how many more Batteries and Drill Bits you need.
  3. Exit the Metaverse portal area and head under the archway next to it that says, "Nivel 20".
  4. Make your way through the obby, checking behind the pillars for Batteries as you go.
  5. At the end of the obby there are two Drill Bits, one on either side of the exit ladder. They are bright orange and each one looks different.
  6. Once you have the two Drill Bits, exit back to the lobby.
  7. Walk around the lobby to find 3 more Batteries and 3 Drill Bits.
  8. Once you've collected all of the Drill Bits and Batteries, go back to Fey.
  9. Talk to her and click Complete and you will automatically receive your reward.


  • Each Drill Bit looks a little different (not at all like real life drill bits), and one of them isn't even completely orange. Keep this in mind, collecting anything that might possibly be a Drill Bit.
  • Sometimes you need to spend a little extra time to make sure you actually pick up the items.

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Field Trip Z

Objective: Join the game.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Find a square behind on of the school buses and enter it.
  2. Wait for the countdown and it will teleport you into the game.
  3. Once the countdown is complete, you will join the game and automatically receive your reward!


  • No tips necessary--This one's super easy!

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Fishing Simulator

Objective: Break into the Bank to find the Mystery Box.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Zoom out so you can see a big, green, floating Easter egg. This is actually a hot air balloon.
  2. Head to the hot air balloon and travel in it to Cyber City Island (Click on it at the top of the map).
  3. Upon arrival, talk to Fey to learn more about the mission.
  4. Head down 3 flights of stairs and a ladder, and follow the arrows across the bridge.
  5. Head up the stairs, then up a ladder, then up 2 more stairs.
  6. Cross another bridge.
  7. Go through the tunnel, up a ramp, and you'll find Wells Fargone, the security guard.
  8. Talk to Wells Fargone and he'll tell you he'll give you the Keycard if you catch 20 fish.
  9. Head back the way you came and go down stairs all the way to the water so that you remember how to find Wells Fargone again.
  10. Fish until you catch 5 fish. That is the max number you can carry.
  11. Once you have 5 fish, walk back up all the stairs to give them to Wells Fargone.
  12. Then walk back down and fish for 5 more fish.
  13. Repeat Steps 11-12 until you've given Wells Fargone 20 fish and he gives you the Keycard.
  14. Once you have the Keycard, jump all the way down to the bottom and swim to where the bank is (it's a tall building with a dollar sign on it).
  15. Go inside the bank using your Keycard and jump through a short laser obby.
  16. Past the laser obby you'll find a vault, in which you'll find Fey's Terror Case. Once you open it you'll receive your rewards.


  • This one is easy to do but it does take awhile because of the back and forth with the fish!

Fey Yoshida's Terror Case in Would You Quiz

Objective: Earn 35 points.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Simply play the game, answering the questions, until you get enough points.
  2. Once you have over 35 points, you will automatically receive your rewards.


  • You can probably work together with others to help earn points faster.

Wren Brightblade Missions

Wren Brightblade Missions image

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Copyrighted Artists

Objective: Score the most points at the end of any round.

Difficulty: Variable depending on opponents.

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Play the game, do better than everyone else by scoring the most points!
  2. Once you've won a round, the reward will automatically appear in your Avatar inventory.


  • If you play with a group of friends on a private server you can take turns working together to let each person win one round.
  • Identifying an original picture is all in the details. If the details relate to the title of the picture, it's probably the original. Players will often add other details to try to trick you into thinking theirs is the original, but these will often have little to do with the title.
  • Similarly, when you're drawing the original picture, make sure your details are all title-related. If you're drawing a copy, stick to the original picture without adding additional details.

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Deathrun

Objective: Reach the end of any Deathrun map.

Difficulty: Varies

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Play any map as a Runner.
  2. Dodge the traps controlled by the Controller.
  3. Once you complete a map, the reward will automatically appear in your Avatar inventory.


  • There have been some reports that even if you die during the Deathrun you will still receive the reward if you make it to the end in ghost form.
  • The traps have a 10 second cooldown. That means if you can trick the Controller into thinking you're about to walk into a trap, you can step back at the last second, wait for them to spring the trap, then pass safely.

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Giant Simulator

Objective: Slay Borock, Demon King, and 10 Gnomes.

Difficulty: TBA

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. When you first spawn, you will have to walk from there to the city. Watch out for other players who may come kill you!
  2. Just inside the entrance to the city, turn right and head down that path until you see three glowing doors of different colors.
  3. First, enter the glowing blue door.
  4. To the right side of the screen, you'll see Wren's Treasure Chest. Click it to see the three missions you need to complete in order to collect the reward.
  5. The first mission you should complete is to slay 10 Gnomes. They are right there in the area you're already in, they're easy to kill, and they will not hurt you.
  6. Once you've killed 10 Gnomes, go back out through the blue door and enter the yellow door.
  7. Head down the hall until you run into a giant enemy named Borrock. He hits you hard and if you're new to the game he will be difficult to kill alone so definitely play in a public server so you can cooperate with other players. Everyone who participated will get credit.
  8. Head back out of the yellow door and enter the red door.
  9. Follow the pathway up to find Demon King.
  10. Demon King will not fight back so you can kill him on your own. However, it will take a very long time so it's recommended that you cooperate with others.
  11. Once you have completed the three missions you will automatically receive your reward.


  • Using a VIP server will help you avoid getting killed at the beginning during your trek to the city, but you will probably need help from others on a public server to defeat the enemies.

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Goblin Island

Objective: Get 10 Total Kills, then get the 5 Orbs in the obby.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. When you first star the game, go into the Teleporter that says, "Metaverse Event" over it.
  2. Talk to Wren to begin the Mission.
  3. Go back through the teleporter and run around killing people until you kill at least 10. At the end of the round the TK (Total Kills) needs to say at least 10.
  4. Once you've got 10 TK, go back to Wren. You will be teleported to the entrance to the obby.
  5. Make your way through the obby, collecting all 5 green Orbs.
  6. Once you have the 5 Orbs you'll be teleported to the Treasure Chest, which you can open to receive your rewards!


  • Some parts of the obby are pretty dark so if you can turn up the brightnes on your screen, that may help.

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Fart Attack

Objective: Complete Wren's Challenges.

Difficulty: Medium

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. In order to get the chest, you will need to complete Wren's five Challenges. They are:
    • Play 3 Rounds
    • Use 50 Burritos
    • Use 50 Cabbages
    • Use the Fartnado 25 times
    • Fart 50 times
  2. To track your progress toward the Challenges, click on the button on the right side of the screen that says, "Challenges". Here you can also claim each Challenge as you complete it, which will give you additional items.
  3. In the game, run around a collect cans and other items to gain Fart Power.
  4. Fart to use up your Fart Power and to complete the Fart 50 times challenge.
  • As you do this, you will also earn money. Click on the button on the right side of the screen that says, "Get More" and buy Burritos and Cabbages until you have 50 of each, or just redeem these codes:
    • fartastic --> Gives you 50 Burritos
    • fart --> Gives you 20 Cabbages
    • hands --> Gives you 20 Cabbage
    • gift --> Gives you 1,000 Money
  1. At the bottom of the screen, you'll see how to select your Special Power.
  2. Select Fartnado as your Special Power.
  3. Use the Fartnado power until your Special Power runs out, then eat Cabbages to replenish it.
  4. You will probably need more than 50 Cabbages to use Fartnado 25 times, so you can either buy more or find them laying around in the game.
  5. Eat the 50 Burritos and replenish Fart Power.
  6. Playing 3 rounds takes the longest, as each round is 5 minutes.
  7. Once you've completed all of the Challenges, click on the button on the right side of the screen that says, "Challenges", claim all the Challenges, along with the Challenge to complete the Challenges, and you'll get your rewards!


  • Getting one can gives you enough Fart Power for 1 fart. Or you can just eat tons of burritos because there are even more codes to give you LOTS of burritos!
    • wash
    • holiday
    • fartastic
    • Smellicopter

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Seconds Till Death

Objective: Win a round in any map.

Difficulty: Varies depending on your abilities.

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. Start a game in any map.
  2. Defeat all of your enemies and win the round.
  3. Once you win a round, the reward will automatically be added to your Avatar inventory.


  • None at this time.

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Legends of Speed

Objective: Reach level 25 and complete Wren's Parkour Challenge.

Difficulty: Easy

Game link

Video Guide link


  1. When you first enter the game, you'll have to run around the main map, collecting orbs and rings until you reach level 25.
  2. To speed this up a little bit, click the blue button on the right side that says, "Codes" and enter these codes:
    • racer300
    • SPRINT250
    • hyper250
  3. Once you're level 25, you can go through Wren's green teleporter to reach the Parkour Challenge.
  4. The treasure chest will be at the end on top of a large rock formation. Once you get it, you'll receive your reward.


  • If you're having trouble with the obby, consider getting up to level 30 instead of 25. This will make it much easier.
  • In the Parkour Challenge, you will likely have an easier time sticking to the larger islands and avoiding the speed booster.

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Pet Heroes

Objective: Free Wren's long-lost home world.

Difficulty: Medium

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  1. When you first start the game, be sure to go through the tutorial so you can learn how to get some pets to help you on your mission.
  2. You can get new pets with Gems using the Starter Egg.
  3. To get some Gems to start out with, click on the button on the left that says, "Codes" and enter these codes:
    • JeffBlox --> Gives you Gems.
    • Twitterbird --> Gives you a fairly strong Twitter bird pet.
    • Wren --> Gives you 45 minutes of gem and XP boosts.
  4. You will most likely get at least a few strong pets (including the Twitter bird) and be ready to complete the quest immediately.
  5. Go talk to Wren to start the quest. (Don't worry, if you start the quest and your pets aren't strong enough you can leave by going to the Travel Master and come back when you're ready.)
  6. Wren will teleport you to a special quest map. You'll see a Healing Space here, where you can go back to and heal if needed.
  7. Walk through the stone archway next to Wren to begin.
  8. Watch along the edge of the cliff until you see a sign that says, "Look Carefully".
  9. Off the side of the cliff here is a lower ledge with a druid statue.
  10. Interact with the statue so that the sphere it's holding begins to glow blue.
  11. Jump on the mushroom to get back to the main path.
  12. Cross the bridge and kill the monsters you find in order to gather Emeralds.
  13. To speed up the Emerald-earning, be sure to use these game codes:
  14. Once you have 1,500 Emeralds, continue forward to repair the bridge ahead.
  15. As soon as you cross the newly-repaired bridge, turn right to find another Druid statue. Interact with it to make its sphere glow blue.
  16. Turn directly around from the druid and find on the other end of that area a tall rock to the left of the path.
  17. Interact with the tall rock to make floating platforms appear.
  18. Jump across the floating platforms quickly because they will disappear.
  19. Once you reach land, find another tall rock to interact with and make more floating platforms appear.
  20. Again, jump across the floating platforms quickly before they disappear.
  21. When you reach land, you'll find the treasure chest in a rock circle next to a large tree.
  22. However, the chest will say 2/3.
  23. Find the third druid statue around the back side of the tree. Interact with it so its sphere glows blue.
  24. Now you will be able to interact with the treasure chest and receive your rewards.


  • If your pets are too weak, it will be difficult to kill the enemies to earn the Emeralds. You will need to either get new, better pets, or level up your current pets by fighting elsewhere.

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in A Wolf Or Other

Objective: Complete any five achievements.

Difficulty: Easy

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  1. When you first open the game, you will see a list of all of the possible achievements. Read through them and keep them in mind as you play the game.
  2. You will probably need to play a few rounds to get five achievements, but it shouldn't take too long.


  • If you play as the Wolf, click on the red button to the right and your character will howl, which is one of the achievements!
  • Winning, of course, is another way to get an achievement.
  • In the winter map there's a fire outside. Standing in it will get you an achievement.
  • In the manor map you can climb onto the roof, then to the highest chimney of the building for an achievement.

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Natural Disaster Survival

Objective: Survive 3 Disasters in a Row

Difficulty: Medium

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  1. While playing this game, various disasters will occur, and you will need to survive at least 3 in a row in order to survive the badge. Below is a list of the disasters and how to survive them:
    • Thunderstorm: Go inside.
    • Flood: Get outside and to high, stable ground.
    • Volcano: Find something like a building to hide behind that will block the lava flow.
    • Earthquake: Get ouside and stay away from buildings.
  2. Once you have survived 3 disasters in a row, you will automatically receive your reward.


  • Be aware of your surroundings. If you're standing on or in or near something that becomes unstable, try to go somewhere safer!

Wren Brightbow's Treasure Chest in Ragdoll Sim

Objective: Push someone 10 times.

Difficulty: Easy

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  1. Upon joining the game, you'll see you have some actions you can do at the bottom of the screen.
  2. If you want to do this for free, do NOT use the one that says, "Push Players" (Number 4). Instead, use the one that says, "Combat" (Number 2).
  3. Go up to other players and push them. You'll know you've done this successfully when you see the Zero at the top of the screen start counting up.
  4. Once you've pushed 10 times, you will automatically receive your rewards.


  • This game has free VIP servers so you can certainly invite friends and take turns pushing each other so you can all get the reward.
  • If you don't have any friends who play Roblox, you can even create your own second account, logon, and let it sit there while you push it 10 times with your regular account.

Sparks Kilowatt Missions

Sparks Kilowatt Missions image

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Pilfering Pirates

Objective: Destroy 500 blocks with the Launcher.

Difficulty: Medium, takes awhile.

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  1. At the start of a match, select your boat (the item on the bottom right of the screen) and drop it into the water.
  2. Jump in the boat and find the island where Sparks Kilowatt is waiting for you.
  3. Talk to Sparks. She will tell you your mission and give you a Launcher.
  4. Use the Launcher you got from Sparks to destroy 500 blocks.
  5. Once you've destroyed all 500 blocks, go back to Sparks and she will give you your reward.


  • Playing this with friends on a VIP server may make it easier.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Roblox High School 2

Objective: Receive a passing grade in all 5 classes.

Difficulty: Easy but there's a lot of waiting around.

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  1. Wait until 9am, then teleport to Art class by clicking on the green "GO!" at the top of the screen.
  2. Pass art class by recreating the paintings you see on the left. Click once for Red, twice for Green, and thrice for Blue.
  3. Wait until 10am, then teleport to Cooking class by clicking on the green "GO!" at the top of the screen.
  4. Pass Cooking class by collecting the ingredients shown on the top left and placing them in the couldron.
  5. Wait until 11am, then teleport to P.E. class by clicking on the green "GO!" at the top of the screen.
  6. Pass P.E. class by hitting as many other players as you can with red balls and avoiding the yellow balls.
  7. Wait until 1pm, then teleport to Science and Engineering class by clicking on the green "GO!" at the top of the screen.
  8. Pass Science and Engineering class by collecting the most metal parts around the school.
  9. Wait until 2pm, then teleport to Math class by clicking on the green "GO!" at the top of the screen.
  10. Pass math class by typing the correct answers and hitting Submit.


  • No tips necessary!

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in [FREE ADMIN]

Objective: Get 25 kills with a gear.

Difficulty: Difficult if you don't have friends and a private server or Robux to spend on weapons.

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  1. Run around battling other players until you kill 25 of them.
  2. Once you've gotten 25 kills, the reward will appear in your Avatar inventory.


  • The easiest way to complete this mission is to create a free private server, invite a few friends, and take turns killing each other until you all get 25 kills.
  • If you're on a public server and having trouble getting kills, switch servers. You may end up with a group of lesser players, or a group who wants to work together to get 25 kills for everyone. Don't worry: Your kill count will carry over to other servers!

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Tradelands

Objective: Collect Robot Parts to Craft a Sparks Chest.

Difficulty: Easy but takes a long time.

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  1. Press Play Game and start at Kingdom of Whitecrest
  2. Talk with Dockmaster John McAdams to spawn a ship.
  3. Sale in the ship just a short ways across the water to a dock with East Robloxia Company Trader Nicholas standing nearby.
  4. Talk to Nicholas and buy one thing, it doesn't matter what.
  5. Get back in your ship and head to Fenwick. You can click on the word Map at the bottom of the screen to check your location on the map.
  6. When you reach Fenwick, talk to East Robloxia Company Trader Channing.
  7. Sell the thing you bought and you'll get a Robot Part.
  8. Click "Reset" on the bottom left of the screen to spawn back at Kingdom of Whitecrest.
  9. Use your Axe and Pickaxe to chop down trees and pick at rocks to collect wood and iron for crafting.
  10. Find the Crafting Station to check how much oak and iron you need to craft an Iron Pickaxe and an Iron Axe. Farm those until you have enough, then craft them.
  11. Once you have the Iron Axe, chop down all of the trees until you collect 2 Ironwood. (This may take a long time.)
  12. Once you have the Iron Pickaxe, pick at the rocks until you collect 3 Copper and 15 Iron.
  13. Once you have these ingredients, you can craft the Sparks Storage Chest.
  14. Once you craft the chest, you will receive your rewards!


  • Be patient; This one can take awhile.
  • If you have friends who play this game, they may be able to give you the crafting ingredients which will save you a lot of time!

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Horse Valley

Objective: Earn 10 Sparks in a single session.

Difficulty: Easy

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  1. When you open the game, follow the arrows to speak to Rachel. After you speak with Rachel there will be a horse named Morgan for you in the stable.
  2. Head to the stable and get on your horse.
  3. Exit the stable and turn left, then left again immediately to continue down the blue path with horse pastures on the right and buildings on the left.
  4. Continue in that direction until you get to a horse pasture with white posts in it. Enter that pasture.
  5. Once you enter the pasture a yellow star will appear. Collect it. Repeat this for about 10 minutes until you get 10 Sparks (signified by a little lightning bolt at the top right of the screen, to the left of your money).
  6. Once you get the 10 Sparks, your reward will automatically appear in your Avatar inventory.


  • Your horse will be more difficult to control when you go faster so you might actually end up saving time by going a bit more slowly.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Sharkbite

Objective: Shoot the clam at the bottom of the ocean.

Difficulty: TBA

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  1. In the waiting area of the game, use the pirate map to find the location of the Clam (this changes each round), marked with a big, red X. Taking a screen shot might be a good idea.
  2. Take your boat out to the location of the red X. You'll know when you're in the correct spot because bubbles will be coming up out of the water.
  3. Jump out of your boat and swim to the bottom of the ocean to find the Clam.
  4. Shoot the Clam until it opens. It will release a bubble with the chest inside.
  5. Follow the bubble to the surface where it will pop, leaving the Secret Package for you to claim.
  6. Once you touch the chest your reward will automatically appear in your Avatar inventory.


  • If you don't want to rush while under water, you can grab scuba gear in the lobby before heading out.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Unicorn Obby World

Objective: Complete the 18 levels of the obby.

Difficulty: Easy

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Instructions: Simply follow the obby. There are checkpoints and you don't die every time you get hit. Once you've completed the obby your reward will appear in your Avatar inventory.


  • You might need to alter the size of your Avatar to be smaller in order to fit in certain parts of this obby.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Admin House New

Objective: Help Sparks find the chest.

Difficulty: Easy

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  1. Talk to Sparks to start the quest.
  2. Behind Sparks and behind the left side of the house there is a large rock formation. The chest is located at the base of those rocks.
  3. Go to the rock formation and touch the chest. Once you do this the reward will automatically appear in your inventory!


  • Zoom out for a better view of the map.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Disaster Island

Objective: Survive a double disaster event.

Difficulty: Hard because double disasters are so rare.

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  1. When you enter the game, talk to Sparks to start the mission.
  2. Play the game until you encounter a double disaster. This may take a very long time.
  3. Be sure to survive the double disaster!
  4. Once you survive one double disaster, the reward will automatically appear in your Avatar inventory.


  • Be patient!

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in UFO Tycoon

Objective: Fly through 8 rings in any UFO.

Difficulty: Medium

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  1. When you enter the game, you'll need to build your facility so that you can eventually build a UFO. Do this by running through all the bright blue and bright green spots on the map, collecting money, building and upgrading.
  2. Eventually you'll be able to build a platform outside of your facility, and on that platform you'll be able to build a UFO.
  3. Once you've built your UFO, all you need to do is fly through 8 rings (they look more like triangles).
  4. Once you fly through your 8th ring, you will automatically receive your reward.


  • It may take some time to get the hang of flying your UFO. Be patient and don't worry since there are endless rings to fly through.

Sparks Kilowatt's Secret Package in Minery 2

Objective: Find 3 Amethyst.

Difficulty: Easy

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  1. When you enter the game, talk to Sparks and she'll tell you she needs 3 Amethyst to craft you the chest.
  2. Head down the path to the left and you'll end up in a dig site.
  3. Click on the dirt to dig.
  4. As you dig, watch for anything glowing pink--That will be an amethyst.
  5. Once you dig toward the pink glow the actual Amethyst is a dark purple color.
  6. Periodically your backpack will fill up. When this happens, exit the hole by clicking the green "Surface" button on the left side of the screen.
  7. Once you're at the surface, go to the Merchant and click Sell All.
  8. If you want, you can use the money to purchase items to give you more inventory and faster digging.
  9. Then return to the dig site and keep digging until you dig up 3 Amethyst.
  10. Once you collect 3 Amethyst, click the green Surface button again and head back to Sparks.
  11. Hold down the E button to give her the Amethyst and she will give you your reward.


  • Digging will go faster with friends, but it's not clear whether you can share Amethysts or not.
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