FREE stuff in the Tate McRae Concert Experience
Finally OPEN again with several FREE items available!
May 27th, 2022This weekend Tate McRae will be having her celebrating her debut album with her first virtual concert! Enjoy the show and earn several FREE items! Learn how below.
Game Link: Tate McRae Concert Experience
How to Get the Sony Earbuds - Tate McRae

The Sony Earbuds - Tate McRae are extremely easy to unlock. Simply join the game and you will immediately earn the SONY Linkbuds S badge. You can then find the Sony Earbuds - Tate McRae in your inventory!
How to Get the Gold Pin - Tate McRae

The Gold Pin - Tate McRae is also very easy to get. Follow the instructions below:
- From the entrance of the game, run along the outter wall until you see a giant E1 sign.
- Underneath the sign you'll find a circle on the ground next to a sign that says, "Lucid Airways Skydive Game". Interact to enter.
- You will be teleported to the skydiving minigame.
- It doesn't matter how many points you get, but you seem to get some kinds of points from the bags if you get them as you fall.
Once you complete the skydiving minigame you will receive the Lucid Airways Skydive Club Member badge and the Gold Pin - Tate McRae will appear in your inventory!
How to Get the Neck Pillow - Tate McRae

The Neck Pillow - Tate McRae is, once again, very easy to get. Simply follow the instructions below.
- From the entrance of the game, look around until you see a large stairway going downward.
- Go down the stairs where you'll find baggage claim.
- Look around until you see a purple section on the wall that says, "Baggage Claim Mini Game". Interact with the circle on the ground to enter the game.
- In this game you're basically running through a maze. Some of the glowing obstacles will make you bounce backwards and there are also some glowing things you can collect. However, it doesn't matter how will you do in this game, you will get the item no matter what.
Once you complete the baggage collecting game you'll receive the Baggage Bandit badge and the Neck Pillow - Tate McRae will appear in your inventory!
How to Get the Red Lip - Tate McRae

Once again, like the other items above, the How to Get the Red Lip - Tate McRae is extremely easy to get. Here's how:
- From the entrance of the game, look around until you see a couple of make-up kiosks (shown in picture above).
- Go up to each side of either kiosk and interact. Your avatar will try on a different face on each side.
Once you've tried on the faces on all four sides you will receive the #NoFilter badge and you'll find the How to Get the Red Lip - Tate McRae in your inventory.
How to Get the Boarding Pass - Tate McRae

The Boarding Pass - Tate McRae will take you a little bit longer than the other items in this event, but is still pretty easy to get. In order to earn this item you'll need to find all 20 purple coins hidden througout the map.
Here are some tips for finding all purple coins:
- Go to an Essentials Water Kiosk to obtain the Super Jump ability. Many of these coins are found in high places.
- 15 of the coins are found upstairs, the other 5 downstairs. We recommend finding all 15 upstairs first so that you know you've got them all before getting the downstairs ones.
- If you're missing just one from upstairs, it's probably the one located way up high. In order to get this one you'll have to Super Jump onto a high object and then Super Jump again from the top of that object to get the very high-up coin.
Once you find all 20 purple coins you'll receive the Super Sleuth badge and the Boarding Pass - Tate McRae will be available in your inventory.