How to Get the Piggy Badge for RB Battles Season 3
A Step By Step Walkthrough
December 8th, 2022One of the 12 badges in RB Battles Season 3 is found in Piggy. Read this article to learn how to get the it!
Game Link: Piggy
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Also be sure to check out our other RB Battle Season 3 articles;
How to Get the Badge in Piggy for the RB Battles event on Roblox
Getting this badge is a little bit complicated, but it may take some time to figure out on your own. That's why in this article we're going to tell you step-by-step exactly what you need to do in order to get the badge.
The first thing you'll want to do when you enter the game is click on the right said of the screen where it says RB battles.
IMPORTANT: Only one player can get the badge in each session. That means you are in a race with the other players to complete all of the tasks before they do. Once you're in the event area, you'll see a meter at the top of the screen. This tells you how close other players are to getting the badge.
Most likely when you first begin you'll enter a session that's already started. That means other players will have had a headstart on the tasks. Feel free to do your best but you will probably have to wait for someone to complete the mission so that a new session begins.
Quick Jump:
How to Get the Badge in Piggy Part 1

In the first area your mission is to collect the three wires: The Green Wire, the Blue Wire, and the Purple Wire. Read on to learn how to get each one.
The place you'll be putting each wire when you get it is pictured above, near the spaceship.
How to Get the Green Wire

The Green Wire is in the safe with a green lock (pictured above). In order to unlock it, you'll need to get the Green Key.
How to Get the Green Key

The Green Key is in the safe connected to the wires. In order to unlock the safe you'll need to find Wires Pieces on the ground and put them in the Wire Gaps on the ground.
Wires Pieces

Wire Gaps

Once you connect all three Wire Gaps the Green Key safe will open. Use that key to open the safe with the green lock. Then put the green wire into the wire console.
How to Get the Blue Wire

The Blue Wire is inside of the safe with the Blue Lock. In order to open it, you need the Blue Key. You'll find it in the safe next to the color square buttons.
In order to open that safe, you'll need to find the correct color combo.
Blue Key Safe

You can find the color combination on monitors througout the map. There will always be four monitors. Figure out the combo based on the order you find the colors in.
For example, in the picture below, you'll see that the third monitor is red. That means that the third button you should press is the red button.
Monitors with Colors

Once you find all four sets of monitors, you'll know what order to press the color buttons in. Open the color combo safe, then use the key to open the blue key safe, then put the blue wire in the wire console by the spaceship.
How to Get the Purple Wire

The Purple Wire is inside of the safe with the Purple Lock. In order to open it, you need the Purple Key. You'll find it in the safe next to the number buttons.
In order to open that safe, you'll need to find the correct number code.
Purple Key

To find the correct number code you'll need to find the code number clues hidden throughout the map. Underneath each number will be a set of four squares. Whichever square is dark is the order in which that number will be in the code.
For example, in the picture below you see the number 8. Inderneath it you see the second square is dark. That means 8 will be the second number in the code.
Code Number Clues

Once you find all four numbers, punch them into the number panel to open the safe and get the Purple Key. Then use the key to open the Purple Safe and put the Purple Wire in the wire panel.
Once all three wires are in the wire panel you'll take off in the space shuttle and go to Part 2
How to Get the Badge in Piggy Part 2

In Part 2 you'll need to power up the spaceship with the screwdriver and the batteries, then enter the code.

Use the screwdriver to turn the pipes so that they turn green, allowing the flow of power.
Screwdriver Pipes

Tap the screw twice to turn it into the correct position, turning the red light to green.
Once you've turned all three pipes you will no longer need the screwdriver.

Once you find the batteries you'll need to put them in the sockets.
Battery Sockets

There are only two batteries and two sockets. Add them both to complete the rocket power.

Once the power is restored, all of the lights will be green in the area pictured above. At that point you can enter in the code. Find the code by finding the numbers hidden around the map. Overlayed with the numbers will be a symbol, like the circle under the 2 in the picture below. This means that the second symbol in the code is a circle.
Code Number and Symbol

The numbers with the symbols are difficult to find so you may not have time to find them all. If you find at least 2 or 3 it won't be that hard to guess the rest.
Once you accurately enter the symbol code, you'll immediately win the session and receive the ??? badge.
Once you complete this challenge, be sure to check that you've completed all of the others on our RB Battles Info Page.